
TechnoMeg: How To Add A "Grab My Button" Image/Box

These things seem all the rage (see mine below and in my left column).  I'm not sure who would want mine but it's fun to have one and they are easy to create.

From your Blogger Dashboard, click Layout, then Add A Gadget. Choose HTML/JavaScript.  Type your title (e.g., GRAB MY BUTTON!).  In the Content box below, paste the following code and modify it for your blog as indicated.  (Note: I've found http://www.photobucket.com to be a good host for my online images - a good image size for this is 100x100)

<center><img src="YOUR IMAGE URL HERE"/></center>
<center><textarea rows="5" cols="20" wrap="hard"><br/><center><a href="YOUR BLOG URL HERE"><img src="YOUR IMAGE URL HERE"/></a></center><br/></textarea><span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span></span></center>

(PS - For those of you who want to post similar how-to's through your Blogger blog, you will notice that you cannot simply paste your HTML/JavaScript code into a widget and have it post as regular text.  I used a super site called Postable to overcome this obstacle.  Many thanks to Tips-o-Tricks for pointing Postable out to me!)

1 comment:

Nicky Abram said...

Hi, thanks for your clear explanations! I am so pleased I found your post after trying 2 previous ones. Bear in mind that i am not html educated!!
Blessings. Nicky

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