
More Cast Iron Cookware

Those of you who've been following my blog for a while already know how much I love my cast iron cookware.  I've written about it here.  In short, it's a healthier alternative to other types of cookware, it's far less expensive than many brands and it's easier to care for than most people realize.

Yesterday, I added another pan to my collection.
Lodge Logic Pre-Seasoned 10-1/2-Inch Round Griddle
As much as I love my big double-sided griddle, it's sometimes too large for my needs.  I wanted something smaller.  So I went to Wal-Mart and picked up the little 10 1/2 inch round Lodge griddle pictured above.

It's the perfect size for a bunch of dollar-sized pancakes -- or two grilled cheese sandwiches (my boys' lunch today):

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